Marcelo Waldman
Procurement Director
Marcelo Waldman is an experienced professional oriented to Procurement Management for all kinds of projects: residential, hospitality, education, industrial and commercial. Specially prepared for the analysis of subcontracts and budgets in the legal and financial aspects. He has been involved in a wide variety of projects, where he gathered a vast experience in quality control and cost analysis.
He studied civil engineering at the National Technological University (UTN).
He developed his career in several companies: Lend Lease, Iberoamericana, Torcuato Di Tella University, among others. dealing with procurement management responsibilities, serving as Owner’s Representative, Contracts Manager, Advisor in Project Management and execution of works, among others.
He has worked in new projects and in historic buildings’ retrofits, in both stages of pre-construction and construction. Some of the highlighted projects are, in Argentina: Carrefour Malvinas Argentinas, MSD Pilar Laboratory, Casino Santa Fe, Hudson Park urbanization, San Benito Abbey, The Aleph (Faena), S.C. Johnson Argentina – Tango Project, Faurecia Industrial Plant, Pilar, Hotel Casino Santa Fe harbor, Alpargatas Mixed Uses building, Torcuato Di Tella University, Procrearte Health Clinic, Umicore Industrial Plant Pilar, Repsol YPF headquarters building, Parque Austral, Technological and Scientific campus, Pilar, Promenade Palermo Tower, Forum Puerto Madero, Amenablanco Tower, ING Puerto Madero Office Building, ABM-AMRO Puerto Madero Office Building Buenos Aires, Marriott Hotel, HSBC Headquarters Offices, HSBC branches, Bank Boston branches, Bristol Laboratory, Myers Squibb Argentina, Gancia Industrial Plant, Molinos Río de La Plata Industrial Plant.
In Latin America, among others: Libertador Paracas Hotel (Peru), Urubamba Luxury Hotel (Peru), Water treatment plant Santa Cruz de la Sierra (Bolivia), Gas treatment plant, Sucre (Bolivia).